We create decodables based on a student’s exact reading level and previous errors. Our AI tutor then gives live feedback and encouragement to each student as they read out loud. This combination gives you the superpower to teach reading to each child in your class one on one.
Built by teachers and AI experts from Stanford, Project Read is an ambitious effort to make personalized reading support accessible for all kids, regardless of income. Accessible in browsers on mobile, tablet or desktop.
Project Read is aligned to support students across a variety of Science of Reading curricula.
The Simple View of Reading conveys how reading comprehension (RC) is the product of decoding (D) and language comprehension (LC). Project Read’s AI Decodable Generator and AI Tutor provide students with practice and support in improving their ability to decode (D).
The Decodable Generator allows me to get a decodable for the phonics skill I want in seconds. I use the PDFs to differentiate for my small groups and kids love the fun pictures
Just over the course of a week with my students using Project Read’s AI Tutor, I saw students who struggled with decoding over the course of the school year grow more confident
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Project Read is supported by a grant from the Center for Social Innovation at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business